When buying a web hosting service for the first time, most beginners opt for shared web hosting due to its low cost. However, as the website grows, it leads to performance and security issues due to limitations of shared hosting.
This is the perfect time for you to move to VPS hosting. It offers the freedom and flexibility to host growing websites at an affordable cost. In this blog, we will discuss the signs that show it is the perfect time to use a VPS or Virtual Private Server.
Right Time to Move to VPS Hosting: The Obvious Indicators
- Increasing Traffic
When you house your website on a shared web server, it can process and respond to a relatively small number of requests. However, when your website experiences increased traffic volumes, you need to move quickly to a better hosting plan.
If you stick to your original hosting plan, it leads to a sluggish and unavailable website. Instead, upgrade your web hosting package or migrate to VPS hosting to enjoy efficient performance and flexibility.
- Poor Performance
A website’s performance can be determined by a number of factors, including consistent uptime, faster loading speed, a lack of latency, high server response time, reduced bounce rate and the number of page views.
If your website fails every single parameter of a well-performing website, it is probably because you are housing it on an insufficient hosting solution.
With the help of VPS cPanel hosting, configuration and server management can be easy. You can optimise your server to provide an adequate boost. With VPS hosting full root access, you can also customise the server according to your business preferences.
- Lacking Security
Shared hosting offers limited security measures and privacy, making it difficult to have a safe and fortified hosting environment. Security has a negative effect on your website’s performance, data safety and search engine rankings.
Migrating to VPS hosting benefits you in the security department because you can significantly reduce your server vulnerabilities. Your VPS hosting with cPanel also allows configuration and integration with third-party security tools.
- Reduced Loading Speed
Your website’s loading speed needs to be below 3 seconds; otherwise, it increases bounce rates, reduces search engine rankings and decreases visibility. You can prevent this from happening by simply migrating to VPS hosting.
One of VPS hosting benefits is that it offers exclusive and dedicated resources, leading to adequate allocation and high loading speed. Apart from that, your VPS cPanel hosting and root access allows server optimisation, leading to a faster and smoother website.
- Inadequate Resources
As mentioned above, VPS hosting offers exclusive resources, unlike shared hosting, where the resources are shared between the users.
Inadequacy of resources, especially bandwidth and storage, can lead to a variety of issues, such as slow loading, downtime, server issues, shutdowns and sluggish performance.
- Control Restrictions
With shared hosting, most factors are predetermined and offer no freedom of choice and preference. However, with VPS hosting, you can choose your own control panel, operating system, hosting applications and other software.
When you migrate to VPS hosting with cPanel, you can easily configure your server, automate tasks, update software and more.
Final Thoughts
If you want to eradicate all of the above indicators of poor performance and sluggish websites, migrating to VPS hosting is a wise decision.
Unlike shared hosting, VPS hosting benefits you in multiple ways, be it adequate resources, more customisation, more control or a better and safer environment. Go with the flow and let your website grow!