Category: Computer Hardware

5 Tips for Maintaining Privacy in Social Media

With the tremendous growth of social media, accessibility has increased exponentially. With this growth of the internet and the emergence of new media technologies like social media, the internet, and its offshoot—social media has become a virtual street.

Reviews and feedback on Collected.Reviews opine that 45% of the world’s population uses social networks.

Over time, security services have recorded numerous levels of privacy breach through social media. These threats and panics are heightened as a result of the ease in accessing individual data that social media promotes.

With this growing interest to make social media safer, social media users have been forced to rethink their relationship to social media and the security of their information.

This concern on how to achieve social media privacy has become prevalent over the years. Developers have sought ways to curb this and this has resulted in the provision of techniques to tweak social media and maintain individual privacy. Some of them include:

1.      Privacy Feature:

3.48 billion people connect to social media. This is according to a census report by Hootesuite. What this points out is that there’s a huge influx of people on social media platforms daily. The privacy feature becomes one of the reliable ways to protect your privacy on social media. With this feature, you are at liberty to set your privacy on social media and choose accordingly the people you get to let have access within your social media space.

2.      VPN(Virtual Private Network):

the VPN is an … Read the rest

Some curious facts that you should know about the iPhone

The iPhone is arguably the most popular smartphone brand in the world. This is considering the number of products they sell per year and the percentage of profits they get from the smartphone industry. There are several facts about the iPhone including that they are a very expensive device and they now sell their products without chargers. However, here are some of the most curious facts about the iPhone that you should know about.

The prototype of the iPhone was invented in 1983

Even though the prototype does not look like what we have today, it was first developed in 1983. Over time and thanks to technological improvements, the iPhone has changed a lot to become the most popular device everybody wants to have today.

The USA alone has 101 million users of iPhone

In the USA, the number of people that currently own an iPhone is 101 million people. When you compare this number to the total population of the USA, you will find out that one in three people in the USA has an iPhone. This is also because a good number of this population are babies and children who don’t have a smartphone because they don’t need it yet or can’t afford it. Hence, it should be safe to say that over 50 per cent of people who own at least 1 smartphone in the USA, has an iPhone. If you want to join this huge number of iPhones users, you can read Mobile Phones Direct reviewsRead the rest

Be Your IT Department Ambassador

A company’s reputation in the market helps determine its market share; likewise a department’s reputation within a company can affect its operating budget and employee morale. Almost all companies have an Information Technology department and those within the unit know how vital it is to the rest of the operations. However, employees in other sections may associate the IT department only with annoying computer problems and time-consuming cybersecurity mandates. It doesn’t have to be that way—be an IT ambassador and transform the way everyone in the company views your role.

Be Bi-lingual

Use technology jargon when speaking to other IT professionals but use plain language when talking to people outside the department. Sometimes a particular IT issue is preventable if users make simple changes. Determine the changes necessary and provide clear, concise instructions for the new procedure. The real key here is follow up—check in later with those most resistant to the change and provide them with further guidance if necessary. This simple step can convert a steadfast skeptic into your biggest fan.

Take Care Of Disposal

Electronics become outdated quickly, and companies replace large quantities of monitors and desktop computers at one time. Discarding the old items can be challenging and is often left to the administrative staff who don’t understand the equipment like you do. Use your IT expertise and take that chore off their hands; perform a quick internet search for local recyclers like it equipment disposal toronto. The search should reveal at least one convenient … Read the rest

Maintaining Safety in Your Electrical System

Managing power in any kind of installation, large or small, has become absolutely essential throughout the past several decades. Even more now as the information age has reached its peak. Tracking, maintaining, and protecting your electrical systems is vitally important to keep your systems up and running. These measures aren’t simply needed in power installations, but also in control situations.

Safety in these situations not only protects your employees, your most valuable assets but also your equipment from unnecessary risk or wear. The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) has found that there were over 2,000 electrical-caused injuries in 2017, and Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) points to electrical causes as a major risk in industrial fires.


Overloading a circuit can cause major damage. Ruined control boards, electrical discharge, and electrical fires are all dangers associated with an overload. Power regulation can be achieved in a number of ways. Contact an electrician if you are unsure in regards to the regulation of your power or control systems. Consider devices such as directional couplers to monitor power levels in various systems.


You should always keep your cables in good, working order. Worn-out or frayed cables are a major safety and fire hazard. Routine checks should be instituted to inspect cables and wires, checking for damage caused by machinery or human error. Employees should also be directed to be constantly on the lookout for frayed or damaged wires, or machine faults that might indicate an internal frayed wire. These issues should … Read the rest